Saturday, April 2, 2011
You had cast me into darkness,
I can't help but being taken privileges of,
For I can't deceive nor speak back.
I can't win, in every way,
For you are the one, I shall serve.
I had been tolerating, all the time,
I tried as hard as I could,
But ended up with a shattered heart,
With my tears-dripping eyes,
That dropped me deep into the pool of sorrow.
I had been thinking,
How long can I stand your doings anymore.
I ended up with an answer,
I had no right to think of it,
For I was born to be your puppet.
Struck by trauma, I am.
The most I could do is to hide it.
The pain, that I should keep for myself.
The pain, that multiplies from time to time.
The pain, that no one can understand...
Signed by a broken heart,
fell on 22:24